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'Suzana' više ne iskače iz paštete: Stipe Mesić proslavio 90. rođendan s Jadrankom Kosor

Prije gotovo 20 godina bili su u drugom krugu predsjedničkih izbora, a među njima su padale teške riječi. Danas bivši predsjednik Stjepan Mesić i bivša premijerka, kasnija disidentica iz HDZ-a Jadranka Kosor zajedno slave Mesićev 90. rođendan

The text describes how, despite their contentious 2005 presidential election campaign where Stipe Mesić made sexist remarks towards Jadranka Kosor, they now celebrate his 90th birthday together. The main idea is about reconciliation and the passage of time: even intense political battles can be overcome, and former adversaries can develop cordial relationships years later.

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ID: 10507974
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